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Hôm nay,
FIND feeds
An average of 125,000 individuals, families, children, seniors, and veterans each month to ensure residents have the nutrition to carry out their daily lives while feeling their best. Our 175 distribution sites include over 90 community agency partnerships (soup kitchens, religious organizations, local nonprofits) and 46 community mobile markets that serve food deserts and low-income areas. FIND’s distribution center is strategically located in Indio to help achieve their mission and vision of equitable food distribution for all.
FIND offers
Outreach services that connect residents to benefits programs that improve financial security. CalFresh Case Management helps clients sign up for SNAP, WIC, and other federal anti-hunger programs. FIND’s Community Health Workers offer a holistic approach to connect individuals and families to financial resources and assistance to expand their budget.
For a Lifetime,
FIND identifies
The root causes of hunger to break cycles of food insecurity and ensure self-sufficiency. Our expanding programs include nutrition education, internship programs, youth scholarship opportunities, and advocacy at the state, local and national levels to support anti-hunger policies.