Hunger In our Community
Hunger and food insecurity affects people of all ages, races, and genders. Hunger is a year-round problem that touches every community in eastern Riverside County and southern San Bernardino Counties in Southern California. Hundreds of thousands of people face hunger in our service area every year – but even one is too many.
The long-term effects of the pandemic, from 40-year record-high inflation and supply chain shortages, have placed the brunt of financial burdens on the lowest wage workers and low-income families in our community. Grocery budgets become flexible compared to housing, medicine, gas, etc. When finances are tight many have to make the painful choice between skipping meals and paying for these other necessities. FIND Food Bank provides healthy food to anyone in need throughout the desert region to help our clients get back on their feet and thrive.
What Is Food Insecurity?
Food insecurity is defined as a lack of consistent access to adequate, nutritious food. People who are food insecure struggle to avoid hunger, a narrower physiological condition.
The majority of our neighbors facing food insecurity are children, older adults and working families. For some people, food insecurity may be a temporary challenge caused by job loss, illness or other short-term setback. Many Americans are only one paycheck away from facing food insecurity.
Congressional Hunger Center: How to Solve for Food Insecurity
Hunger vs. Food Insecurity
Hunger is what you feel when you do not have enough to eat. Food insecurity is the set of circumstances that prevent your access to food. Right now, thousands of our area residents and neighbors struggle with hunger; some go without food for several meals or even days at a time.
Food Insecurity Facts
- Food insecurity varies greatly across the county. In some communities, more than half of all residents are food insecure.
- Food insecurity is usually episodic and often cyclical. People may require assistance a single time, for a few months, or on a more regular basis.
- There is no one face of food insecurity. The need varies among children, older adults, people with disabilities, veterans, the working poor, and others, as does the best way of reaching them.
- Making tradeoff decisions between paying for food and other basic needs such as medical bills and housing is common among individuals and families who turn to FIND for food.
- Many food insecure households do not qualify for federal nutrition assistance programs such as SNAP (formerly food stamps).