Annual Report 2021-22

In 2022, the need for food assistance remained substantial. People who lost jobs, have low incomes, or remain underemployed need continued support to recover unpaid bills and lost savings. Since 2019, FIND Food Bank has doubled the number of annual meals provided and will continue to expand our capacity to serve, ensure equitable food distribution, and increase access to healthy food for all, as the need for our assistance remains high.

Debbie Espinosa, CEO, FIND Food Bank

FIND’s Service

to the Community


People Fed On Average Each Month


Distribution Sites


Pounds of Food Distributed


Pounds of fresh produce distributed


Value of Food Distributed to our community


    New Trucks + 1 Semi-Trailer Truck
For a total of 15 trucks

Faces of Hunger

What does food insecurity look like for the 120,000 people we help feed each month?

37% or 44,400 are Children

Marily Santos

“The money that we save is mostly for bills since rent is really expensive right now. My husband is the only one working. If I work we will need a babysitter for all four kids so it’s really expensive. FIND helps us with our bills, and sometimes we are able to buy extra food.”

Marily S., Indio Resident

19% or 23,000 are Seniors

“Even in this rich country, there are people hungry. There are seniors who are hungry. There are a lot of kids going hungry. I will always appreciate what these people do at FIND because it’s like I always say, nobody should go hungry.”

Juan R., Coachella Resident

44% or 53,000 are Adults

“I took an early retirement to go back to school to get my degree. My church used to help me, but they can’t really. It’s better to just know FIND’s calendar and go. What I don’t use, I give to my neighbors and spread it around. It’s important to contribute to the community.”

Jane C., Palm Desert Resident

FIND’s Hunger Relief Programs

96.9% of donations directly support FIND’s Hunger Relief Programs


Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022

2022 Total Revenue


2022 Total Expenses


Ending Net Assets


Total Revenue:


Donated Food &
In-Kind Contributions


Contributions &


Government Support

Other Revenue: $63,116 <1%

Total Expenses:






General & Administrative

Click Here to Download FIND Food Bank 2020-21 Annual Impact Report