Older Adult Programs

Older adults often live on fixed incomes and are at risk of food insecurity. In fact, 23% of the people we serve are over 65. FIND provides targeted support to reach this vulnerable population.
FIND hosts a seniors-only walk-up distribution every other week at the La Quinta Desert Recreation District.
Need help accessing food near you? Click here to locate a food program.
Commodity Supplement Food Program
CSFP works to improve the health of individuals at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA commodity foods. CSFP is a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funded supplemental food program administered by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). The program provides USDA commodities to a network of ten food banks, including FIND Food Bank, to improve the health of seniors in California by providing them nutritious foods.
CalFresh Case Management
Do you need extra help buying groceries? Older adults are one of the largest groups who qualify for CalFresh but don’t claim the benefits they are entitled to. It is often due to misconceptions about the application process and benefits received. Learn more about how CalFresh can help you purchase healthy foods! Call 760-775-3663 to make an appointment with FIND’s CalFresh Case Management Team. They can work through your application to make sure you receive the maximum benefits.
Common Questions
“I only qualify for the minimum benefits because of my social security.”
Listing your monthly medical expenses can increase the amount you receive and maximize your benefits.
“I don’t want to take resources from someone who needs them.”
SNAP is an entitlement program. Anyone who qualifies to receive CalFresh will receive benefits.
“The application takes too much time, and the minimum benefits aren’t worth the effort.”
When you qualify for CalFresh, you automatically qualify for other savings and benefits programs to stretch your monthly budget.
FIND’s Community Health Workers can help you apply to save up to 20% on your monthly gas bill:
California Alternate Rates for Energy (CAREs) Program
LIHEAP (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program)
“I am unable to go to the CalFresh office for an interview.”
If you are not able to go to the CalFresh office, you may request a telephone interview. You may also ask a relative, pastor, neighbor, etc., to attend the interview as an authorized representative.
“I do not want to go to the CalFresh office every few months to keep getting benefits.”
Households in which all adult members are seniors may only have to recertify every 24 months, and counties must provide the option to waive the face-to-face interview if all household members are 60 or older, or have a disability.
“I thought older adults could only receive $3,250 in resources.”
In most cases, there is no resource limit for CalFresh. You may be eligible even if you have money in savings and retirement accounts.
Learn more about the myths & facts About CalFresh for Older Adults (ages 60 and over)