


FIND is the regional food bank serving eastern Riverside and southern San Bernardino Counties in southern California. We are one of the 200 Feeding America network food banks in the United States. We are the regional emergency disaster response food bank recognized by the state and county as the first line of defense against hunger. We help feed an average of 125,000 people each month through our network of 175 distribution sites, which includes FIND’s Community Mobile Markets, and over 90 community-based partners.

FIND 的代理网络包括我们地区大约 90% 的食品储藏室、施粥所和非营利组织,它们从 FIND 收集食品分发给他们的社区。 FIND Food Bank 致力于通过在最需要的地方向任何有需要的人提供营养丰富、文化上适当的食物,来提升我们所服务的人的尊严并保护他们的健康。





我们的计划通过 FIND 的食品配送站点网络提供客户对健康食品的核心需求。我们的网络包括 100 多个机构,例如施粥处、无家可归者收容所、宗教组织,以及 FIND 的免费社区移动市场。 FIND 被加利福尼亚州和里弗赛德县认定为灾难和应急响应区域食品银行,作为向沙漠地区分发灾难食品的枢纽。


除了直接分发食物外,我们的额外外展服务还支持客户通过其他食物援助计划获取食物。这些计划提高了人们的自给自足,使他们能够获得有助于他们茁壮成长的健康食品。了解有关 FIND 的更多信息 CalFresh 外展案例管理计划 和团队 社区卫生工作者 这可以帮助您注册计划和福利。


FIND 与关键领域内的其他主要非营利组织和组织合作,以解决饥饿的根本原因。我们与学校、学院和大学、金融知识机构、 卫生保健和劳动力发展部门,以确定它们与粮食不安全的联系,并有效宣传社区的健康和公私伙伴关系在解决饥饿问题上的重要性。


As FIND Food Bank is the regional food bank that serves our Desert Community,  the importance of equity for all people is at the forefront of who we are as an organization.  Our movement in hunger relief is grounded by a true spirit of breaking cycles of poverty in our communities by ensuring people of all colors have equitable access to healthy food, whether they are able to afford it or not. Through this work, we know and understand that by healing food insecurity, it provides the necessary support for people to thrive in other areas, such as Education, Health, Workforce Development and Housing, which are needed to achieve self-sufficiency and further equality for all.
