Community Health Workers (CHW), or Promotores de Salud, are trained staff members who work to improve public health and access to life-saving services. Our team includes trusted community members who understand the makeup of surrounding cities and can help residents navigate various community-based services, state and national benefits programs, and financial and healthcare resources. They are experts in navigating complex systems of care and listen to client stories and concerns to determine the best route for assistance. When you come in for a consultation, a FIND CHW will walk you step-by-step through benefits applications, financial resource programs, and other opportunities to improve health and well-being.
请打电话 760.835.5234 to schedule an appointment and determine what documents you need to access financial assistance and other community and state-funded resources. Our highly trained team will walk you through what benefits you qualify for and help you apply!
Meet Brenda Rojo
Brenda serves as FIND’s Community Health Worker by providing outreach to communities impacted by disaster or resource disparities. She helps clients fill out benefits applications, provides referrals to local resources like rent relief, and gives tailored support for families and individuals who experience a disaster, emergency, trauma, health, or employment issues.
FIND Food Bank respects our client’s privacy. We only share the information you give us with the California Department of Human Services to help process your benefits. We never share information with any immigration or law enforcement agencies. You may experience a delayed response time due to the high volume of calls around COVID-19. Thank you for your patience.
- 卡尔新鲜。
- 补充营养援助计划 (SNAP)(以前的食品券)。
- 租金、公用事业和住房援助。
- 失业和残疾保险。
- 家庭带薪休假。
- SSI。
- 教育补助金。