


Since its inception in 1983, FIND Food Bank has been a community-based organization run by and for the people. From our humble beginnings in the city of Cathedral City to now serving 5,000-square-miles of eastern Riverside and southern San Bernardino counties our mission has not changed – Let’s end hunger in the desert region.


韦恩罗宾逊创立 FIND 




Three generations of the Robinson family return to FIND’s warehouse each year to celebrate Mr. Robinson’s birthday and carry on his tradition of volunteerism. Becky Robinson (pictured left) his youngest daughter was one of FIND’s first volunteers. His grandson remembers packing up bread in the blue Pinto when he was 14, and now it’s his 37th year volunteering to help FIND feed those in need. 


FIND’s First Agency Partners


在过去的 30 年里,一群敬业的志愿者从 FIND 的仓库中打包了预先挑选的食物,分发给棕榈沙漠、沙漠温泉、大教堂城、印第安维尔斯、棕榈泉和拉昆塔的居家老年人和老年人。 Temple Sinai 志愿者每月为大约 800 人提供服务!

项目主管 Gail 和 Saul Jacobs 最近退休并回忆了他们在一个 FIND的视频采访.


作为 FIND 的原始机构成员之一,St. Theresa's 每周一早上继续为当地社区提供食物。


由于每周开门五天,食品储藏室老板 Lloyd 和 Pat Hollingsworth 将驱车 3 小时前往 FIND 在 Indio 的仓库,领取他们需要的所有食物。今天,FIND 的冷藏卡车长途跋涉到亚利桑那州边境运送健康食品。


FIND 移至 Indio

在大教堂城 FIND 的仓库在一场悲惨的火灾中被烧毁后,新的仓库设施和行政办公室专门设计为区域食品银行。现在,FIND Food Bank 在一个 40,000 平方英尺的仓库中运营,该仓库有两个工业冷冻机和科切拉山谷最大的零度以下冷冻机。


FIND’s Kids Summer Club Kicks-Off

Recognizing that 4 out of 5 children in the public school system in the valley qualify for free and reduced-price meals, FIND launched our Kids Summer Club to provide fresh produce for kids and healthy groceries to take home to the family. The Farmer’s Market-style distribution allowed kids to pick their fruits and vegetables while learning about nutrition to set them up to make healthy choices for a lifetime.


FIND 捐赠协会的成立

FIND 的 Giving Society 认可 FIND Food Bank 最慷慨和具有社区意识的投资者的承诺和支持。会员在五年内每年至少捐款 $1,000 或更多,以确保 FIND 计划在社区中的可持续性。


Anza 移动市场开放

During the Anza Mountain Fires of 2019, FIND delivered emergency assistance to residents who lost power, water, and for some, their homes. Realizing that people faced food insecurity year-round, FIND opened a mobile market that serves Anza residents once every month. Instead of driving long distances, sometimes to Temecula, to access quality groceries, families can instead rely on FIND’s trucks to deliver grocery staples to last a couple of weeks. 


FIND Food Bank 在 Hi-Desert 开设新分行

FIND 扩展到 Hi-Desert,以帮助在“食物沙漠”中运营的莫龙戈盆地食品储藏室和汤厨房,这意味着他们必须长途跋涉为当地客户挑选健康食品。配送中心在丝兰谷的莫龙戈盆地医疗保健区园区储存健康食品,并为 FIND 的九个成员机构提供服务。


FIND Food Bank 通过包括新老社区代理合作伙伴和 FIND 的移动市场在内的 150 个配送站点的强大网络,平均每月为 150,000 多人提供超过 2000 万份餐食。 FIND 是最大的饥饿救济组织,利用 17 辆商用车辆到达 5,000 多平方英里的沙漠地区,以拯救健康食品并将其重新分配给有需要的人。