Calfresh 收件人资源
The CalFresh Program — formerly known as Food Stamps and also known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) — provides resources for people and families in need so they can shop for groceries using an EBT card (like a debit card). CalFresh is designed to help families buy a greater amount of healthy, nutritious food each month.
New Public Charge Rule Protects Access to Calfresh and Medical
Some families worry that using public benefits could hurt their chance of getting a green card. New legislation protects immigrant’s access to public programs that will not impact their citizenship status.
Apply to receive up to $291 a month per household member on an EBT card. Call 760-775-3663 或在线预约。
FIND Food Bank 有一个 CalFresh 外展和案例管理计划,以帮助将粮食不安全的人和家庭与其家庭的其他资源联系起来。
有关此过程的更多信息或帮助,请致电 760-775-3663.我们总是乐于提供帮助。
我有资格参加 CalFresh 吗?
如果他们的总收入低于其家庭规模的收入限制,则大多数人都有资格获得 CalFresh。下表将帮助您确定您是否有资格申请 CalFresh。
Income Guidelines (Oct 1st, 2023-Sep 30th,2024):
房子大小 | 每月毛收入 | 净月收入 | 最大 CalFresh 配额 |
1 | $2,430 | $2,065 | $291 |
2 | $3,288 | $2,722 | $535 |
3 | $4,144 | $3,365 | $766 |
4 | $5,000 | $3,985 | $973 |
5 | $5,858 | $4,518 | $1,155 |
6 | $6,714 | $5,039 | $1,386 |
7 | $7,570 | $5,559 | $1,532 |
8 | $8,428 | $6,080 | $1,751 |
每增加一个成员 | +$858 | +$429 | +$219 |
如果您觉得自己浏览 CalFresh 申请并提交文件很自在,请填写您自己的 CalFresh 申请。
CalFresh 神话与事实
Take advantage of FIND Food Bank and our partner agencies, 寻找你附近的食物 to help supplement your grocery budget.
我有收入并赚钱,我还能获得 CalFresh Food 福利吗?
- 从工作、自雇或自己的生意中赚钱。
- 领取失业救济金。
- 获得一般援助/救济。
- 获得子女抚养费。
- 获得残疾福利。
- 获得社会保障福利。
- 获得补充保障收入 (SSI)/国家补充付款 (SSP) 福利。
- 将钱存入储蓄、退休账户或教育账户。
If you are an older adult (over 60 years old) or person with a disability, tell your county social service worker. The table may not apply to you. You can earn more money and be eligible.
如果我是移民,我还能获得 CalFresh 食品福利吗?
A household can get CalFresh if at least one person (including children):
- Has U.S. citizenship
- Has a green card (for any length of time)
- Has refugee or asylum status
- Has, or is applying for, a U-Visa or T-Visa
- Is an applicant for VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) relief
- Is a Cuban or Haitian entrant
If you are not eligible because of your immigration status, you can always apply on behalf of other household members, like U.S. born children. Immigrant parents and immigrant children may qualify if they have or are applying for a valid Social Security Number.
CalFresh 的参与是否会让加州纳税人花费更多的钱?
实际上,美国农业部 (USDA) 根据联邦补充营养援助计划 (SNAP) 资助 CalFresh 计划。 CalFresh 福利中的每 $1 在当地经济活动中产生 $1.79。
您是否必须领取福利才能获得 CalFresh 资格?
No, you do not have to be on welfare to be able to utilize the CalFresh program. People who are employed but do not make enough to cover all living expenses can qualify for CalFresh (eligibility depends on the number in your household and monthly income).
不,一个屋檐下可以有多个“CalFresh 家庭”。决定人们是否可以分开申请的最重要的事情是他们是否一起购买和准备食物。
您必须是美国公民才有资格获得 CalFresh 吗?
不, 在加利福尼亚州,许多非公民群体有资格获得 CalFresh:合法永久居民、U 签证持有者、人口贩卖受害者和其他 合格的移民. 家庭中只有一个人需要是公民或合格的移民才有资格获得 CalFresh。了解更多关于 针对非公民的 SNAP 政策。
CalFresh 会影响申请人的公共负担决定吗?
自 2021 年 3 月 9 日起,美国国土安全部 (DHS) 和美国公民及移民服务局 (USCIS) 将不再考虑参加 Medi-Cal(长期护理除外)、公共住房或 CalFresh 作为一部分公共负担的认定。
如果我的家庭收到 SSI(补充保障收入),我是否仍有资格获得 CalFresh?
是的,从 2019 年 6 月起,接受 SSI 的人现在有资格获得 CalFresh 福利。
如果我拥有房屋或汽车,我是否有资格获得 CalFresh?
是的,您可以拥有房子和汽车,并且仍然有资格获得 CalFresh。