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Hunger in our Local Community


FIND Food Bank

准备好 挖掘 到有关沙漠粮食不安全的社区故事、问题和解决方案。 FIND 的新博客将深入探讨饥饿的根源以及我们对结束饥饿的斗争的影响;了解如何采取行动、畅所欲言,并发现提供帮助的新方法。

You may know that FIND Food Bank is the Desert’s Regional Food Bank, but our vision extends beyond food distributions to imagine a future where none of our neighbors go hungry. FIND’s goal is to end hunger today, tomorrow, and for a lifetime. Here, you will learn how we approach our mission through nutrition and education, public policies that combat hunger long-term, community partnerships, and the help from our community members who make the Desert a wonderful place to work and live.



From sharing affordable recipes to new research on the impact of hunger on health, there is much to learn about the future of food. Food connects cultures, communities and expresses the love that contributes to good health, financial security, and brighter futures.


为了维持重要的反饥饿计划,我们为您分享机会,让您采取行动,为那些努力维持生计的人确保食物和财务未来。作为沙漠地区的食物银行,FIND 站在倡导地方、州和联邦各级解决饥饿问题的最前沿。您可以通过联系您的政府代表并将信息传播到您的网络来发挥真正的作用。加入我们的 #FINDaWaytoEndHunger 吧!


我们的 CalFresh 案例管理团队通过倾听每个人并采用专门的方法,为客户提供住房、公用事业、教育和其他形式的福利方面的帮助。要确保我们的社区有公平的机会,还有很多东西需要学习。请继续关注有关饥饿根源的最新研究以及对抗粮食不安全的最有效计划和解决方案。




The Desert is a special place for many reasons. Beautiful landscapes and sunny skies inspire creativity, resilience, compassion, and service in the face of unique obstacles. Every member of this community has a unique story; whether they are receiving FIND’s food services, giving to the cause, or both, everyone has the opportunity to effect change and inspire others to do the same.