September is Hunger Action Month and FIND Food Bank is one of the 200 Feeding America regional food banks in the nation.
FIND partners with 16 local businesses throughout the Coachella Valley to help fight hunger in the desert, including Perfect Pint in Palm Desert, Birba, and Eight4Nine in Palm Springs.
The city of Palm Desert also partners with FIND every year for Hunger Action Month to raise awareness about food insecurity.
Perfect Pint has created a special Cookies n’ Cream flavor of their frozen custard and will donate the proceeds from their business to FIND at the end of the month.

“The partnerships that we have in the community with businesses like Perfect Pint are so important and critical to FIND’s work. Every year we have to raise $5 million a year in order to make sure that we can feed over 150,000 people on average every month in our community. Without the proceeds from individuals, from corporations, and from local businesses it would be very difficult for us to be able to do that, especially with the rise in cost of operations, fuel costs going up, food costs going up,” said Debbie Espinosa, CEO and President of FIND Food Bank.

FIND distributes over 20 million pounds of food every year.
Perfect Pint offers between 24-30 flavors at any given time. All of the frozen custard is pre-packaged and made in-house from scratch. Monk fruit is used to sweeten the treat.
Half a pint costs $10 and a full pint is $17. Perfect Pint also customizes their labels for special events, including birthdays, weddings, and corporate gifts.

September 23 is Hunger Action Day, therefore, everyone is encouraged to wear orange to help raise awareness and show solidarity among our local communities “that we’re all here for those experiencing hunger,” said Espinoza.
Other businesses partnering with FIND on the campaign include Eight4Nine Restaurant in Palm Springs and Birba Palm Springs.
Eight4Nine Restaurant is donating 50% of the proceeds from the Eight4Nine specialty cocktail sold in the month of September to FIND Food Bank.

Birba has created the Piece of the Pie fundraiser with ingredients inspired by food found at a FIND Food Bank distribution. 100% of the proceeds from the pizza now until October will be donated to FIND.

To learn more about Hunger Action Month and FIND’s mission to end hunger visit their website linked aquí.