host a food drive online
A Virtual “Food” or Fund Drive is the most efficient and effective way to help FIND Food Bank provide hunger-relief to 125,000 people facing food insecurity on average each month. We love traditional food drives because it allows our community members to come together to raise awareness and fight hunger. However, due to the rising costs of transportation and supply chain shortages, it has become more challenging for FIND to allocate enough warehouse resources to run traditional food drives.
$1 can provide over 4 meals.

Provide MORE MEALS to Neighbors Facing Hunger
- Help FIND save on the price of transportation
- Secure the most needed food items for our community in bulk
- Optimize volunteer time for packing healthy food bags instead of sorting through food drive barrels
Read four reasons why donating money over food helps more families in need.
Getting Started
- Set up a virtual food drive donation page.
- Contact our development department at [email protected] অথবা কল করুন 760-775-3663 ext. 125 to help you set up a fundraising page.
- Provide your company or organization’s logo, a special message to encourage donations, and a fundraising goal (optional).
- Set a deadline!
- We strongly encourage you to set a timeframe for your digital food drive. It motivates people to donate immediately and lets you see the success
- Share your donation page link with your network.
- Encourage sharing within your workplace, club, family members, and friends!